How are we different?

Our Flight Map Coaching program gives you the tools you need to succeed in homeschooling your kids and help them thrive!

We work with you to choose the best curriculum options to fit your needs. Every student and every family is different. There is no ONE perfect curriculum. With all the options out there, let our experienced homeschool moms and tutors find the perfect fit!

Flight Map Coaching Includes...

Our Flight Map Coaching program involves 6 steps:

Session 1

Step 1: Initial phone call to get basic details

Step 2: Parent questionnaire

Step 3: Flight Map Plan created by Laurie

Step 4: Flight Map Meeting to go over plan

Step 5: TWO MORE coaching calls to troubleshoot curriculum, problems, and make tweaks to the Flight Map!

What is a Flight Map?

Step by step plan to...

  • choose or customize curriculum that works for YOU
  • better organize your day
  • Choose the best ways to teach based on the needs of your kids
  • find methods for teaching handwriting, math facts, etc that will STICK
  • Have an experienced teacher guide you through this process!

Are you enrolled in the Taking Flight Homeschool Experience?

Since you will be using our curriculum for a majority of your homeschooling, your coaching calls will focus on:

  • customizing your experience with our curriculum
  • choosing the best math, English, and electives resources
  • Creating a sytem, routine, and plan to set you up for a successful year!
  • Troubleshooting student's academic challenges and more!

Join us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

When is Session 1?
All Session 1 content will be available August 1st through October 31st!

How and when do we enroll in future sessions?

You'll receive an email 30 days before each session begins to enroll. Session dates:

Session 1 available August 1

Session 2 available October 1

Session 3 available January 1

Session 4 available March 1

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

What is included in my purchase?

You'll complete the 5 steps listed above. Also included is a personalized Flight Training Program, which includes activities to improve memorization, critical thinking, focus, and more.

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

Yes! Always contact us if you have any questions or concerns before asking for a refund. We're here to help!

Do I have to purchase new curriculum?

No. We can choose new curriculum that is a good fit, or, if you want to use your current curriculum, we can work with you to make it work best for you!